Thursday, January 17, 2008

What a Blog is, should, and could be...

After reading the blog posted on Nick's page, I noticed that a blog is just an open diary for everyone to share and express their feelings on any topic they wish. I do not agree that people should be able to post whatever they want about violance towards others and other hate crimes. I think blogger and other blogging web sites should have sensors to these sensitive issues. Its not fair for someone to say they hate someone else because of religion and race, I thought we were past that, we should be past that. If you were freinds with someone before you knew what their sexual preference was, why does it change when you find out they are gay or bi? I also disagree with people being able to share this way because not only are they telling eachother how much they hate others, but they are targeting it towards younger kids to pick up on. Even though its dumb, adolenent minds are like a sponge and they will do anything to fit in, even if it means being hateful. I really dont see the point of putting others down on a web page when hearing about the acts of violence through the news is bad enough. A private journal at home should be a place for people to write about how they feel about others, not a public blog. A blog could be a cool place for people to write down some thoughts and ideas and see what others had to say thats not offensive. It could very well also be a place for people to catch up with others and see how their life is going. I just dont understand why people feel the need to express some of the crap they do.


Courtney said...

I totally agree with your ideas on blogs. I think it might be a good way to get your ideas out for others to see, however people should not come here to bash on others. I definatly think there should be some kind of sensor to make sure this isn't happening. I think it is actually really immature to come to a website to talk badly about other people. These thoughts should be kept in their own personal journal.

Lily said...

I do agree with you and think that it's a good idea if blogger sites put censors up for postings like that or even to ban that person for creating a group like that. You prove a good point that adolescents' minds are like a sponge. They will go with the dominant view of a group just to fit in. We want to teach the ones who are trying to find out who they are at that age something positive. We don't want to bring back something that happened in the past, like the whole period during the Holocaust. We can all learn from events that happened in the past.

Riddle said...

I TOTALLY TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! (sorry if i was too enthusiastic) anyway i agree with you all the way. Especially with the ideas of putting some sort of sensors on blog sites and that a person should put very personal thoughts in a journal so that only their eyes can see it. Also i too hope that we get past all this hate about religion, and sexual prefence because we should be past all this