Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Discrimination is a Virtue

Robert Keith Miller's essay "Discrimination is a Virtue" is a good thing to read and consider before looking at the upcoming presidential candidates. Miller states in his essay that discrimination is used wrong in today's society. The actual meaning is "the ability to tell the difference", not "racist" as most people in this generation grew up knowing it to mean. It is important to consider how to use the word since both presidential candidates are "minorities" in America; Hilary Clinton being a female, and Barack Obama a African American male. In order to discriminate the right way in this situation would be not looking at their race, or gender, but really listening to what they are saying and "being able to tell the difference" in your opinion. People are discriminating in a wrong sense by judging baised race and gender, some of them not even listening to what they are saying before they make their accusation.


chris said...

You are right. We have got to be smarter than by voting based upon race. What are the issues behind the figures? What parties values align with ours? By the way they have got to stop fighting each other.

Ally03 said...

I think you make a very good point, that it is important to not discriminate based on race or gender but what each candidates opinion and ideas are. I agree that there are too many people in our society that are basing their voting decision on their political views but more on race and gender.

cari chapman said...

I agree that we should listen to what the delegates say rather than their race or gender. Every race and gender can do the most of the same things as the other. It seems like a logical fallacy to discriminate against and certain race or gender. They had no choice over what race or gender they were born into.

Susanne said...

oh girl,i so agree with what you are saying. People are literally forced into this whole discrimination scheme based on race and do not even have a chance to stay out of it.I think it is very shameful, that people do not even have a chance to cast their vote based on more relevant issues but on,in my mind, very unimportant issues...