Thursday, March 27, 2008

If Black English isnt a Language, Tell me what is

James Baldwin writes about how language is everywhere. It is how we communicate with one another, whether it is spoken words, hand gestures, or even clicks with the tongue, it is a form of communication and is different through out the world. In Spain were Spanish is the native language, it is still different from the Spanish used in Mexico or even South America. In England they use different dialects depending on what area they are in. Some words do not even exist in the same places. Even in America we can see all the different dialects. We have the southerns and northers, easterners, and westerners, and within each segment there are even more dialects. If the Cajuns are able to speak their guttural language, Baldwin states why cant the black have their language. It becomes modernized or censored by the white folks. Everyone wants to pretend to be a hard core rapper in LA, when they live in Orange County. The whites take the words they say and use them in everyday language as well, only when they do it they hide the real meanings and make it sound not as bad. If everyone else is allowed to speak their dialect without other people trying to sensor it or modernize it, why cant black language be the same.

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