Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blog Analysis

After reading my classmates blong's and taking in the diversity of everyone I decided to do Susanne's, not because we have the same background on our blogs, but because I love reading the way she thinks and acknowledge's different topics we dicusss. I agree with alot of her views and the way she writes is amazing. I noticed she is a very smart girl by the way she writes and expresses her views. She uses a higher vocabulary and states things clearly. The way it is organized impressed me as well. The fact she is from Germany makes me want to get to know her better because my grandparents came here from Germany and I would love to go there someday. I am also assuming because she picked the pink background that she is girly and likes pink, but thats only going off of the fact that thats why I picked it :D

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tan's reading assignment

After reading Anne Tan's story "Mother Tounge", I came to the realization that language is viewed differently by different people. I will be completely honest and say, before I read this story, I had no respect for the way Chinese people spoke. It annoyed me, it made me feel like, how Tan put it, "broken". I thought if you came over here to get a job and a better career, why cant you speak my language better? I realized now that I was very wrong for thinking that. I was too consumed in my own world to even come to the rehlm of thinking, maybe thats how some child, such as Tan, looked at the way their mother or sister or cousin spoke as beautiful and intregueing. It felt like comfort to them. When they heard that soothing vioce it made them feel like nothing was wrong with the world, let alone the way theys spoke. I have alot more respect for the background behind why people speak the way they do, wheather it be broken or not and I have "Mother Tounge" to thank for that.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What a Blog is, should, and could be...

After reading the blog posted on Nick's page, I noticed that a blog is just an open diary for everyone to share and express their feelings on any topic they wish. I do not agree that people should be able to post whatever they want about violance towards others and other hate crimes. I think blogger and other blogging web sites should have sensors to these sensitive issues. Its not fair for someone to say they hate someone else because of religion and race, I thought we were past that, we should be past that. If you were freinds with someone before you knew what their sexual preference was, why does it change when you find out they are gay or bi? I also disagree with people being able to share this way because not only are they telling eachother how much they hate others, but they are targeting it towards younger kids to pick up on. Even though its dumb, adolenent minds are like a sponge and they will do anything to fit in, even if it means being hateful. I really dont see the point of putting others down on a web page when hearing about the acts of violence through the news is bad enough. A private journal at home should be a place for people to write about how they feel about others, not a public blog. A blog could be a cool place for people to write down some thoughts and ideas and see what others had to say thats not offensive. It could very well also be a place for people to catch up with others and see how their life is going. I just dont understand why people feel the need to express some of the crap they do.

Test Post
